Scottish stalking

with a difference.

Welcome to Benula Sporting Estate.

Located amidst some of the most beautiful and rugged landscapes in Scotland, Benula is a 4,000 acre Highland estate situated 35 miles away from Inverness in the North West Highlands of Scotland.

The estate is unique as not only does it offer some of Scotland’s most challenging deer stalking in a truly unspoilt and spectacular location, access to the deer forest can only be gained via a 8 mile boat ride across Loch Mullardoch. Benula’s challenging terrain means that even the most experienced stalker will have their fieldcraft and fitness levels put to the test.

A visit to the estate provides the perfect opportunity for visitors to escape from modern life and enjoy outstanding deer stalking amidst the wild Highland landscapes.

As well as fantastic opportunities for deer stalking and bird watching, the estate also provides the perfect landscape for hill walking, climbing, cycling and fishing for pike or wild Brown trout on Loch Mullardoch. Boat trips out on the Loch also provide stunning backdrops for picnics and exploring the estate from the water.

Set amidst the beautiful and unspoilt scenery of the estate and overlooking Loch Sealbhanach is South Benula Cottage, which is currently under construction, and will be open to guests from late 2024.

If you are looking for a deer stalking holiday in the Scottish Highlands with a difference, Benula’s famously rugged landscapes, isolated deer forest and challenging terrain are just a few of the reasons that this estate is so special.

If you want to find out more about the deer stalking packages that we have an offer, take a look at our Deer Stalking page or send us an email. We’d love to hear from you.

Deer Stalking Packages

At Benula Sporting Estate, our emphasis is very much on improving our herd through traditional management and selective stalking. Due to the estate’s reputation for such challenging terrain, any deer successfully stalked at Benula is a fine testament to the ability of the hunter.


Benula South Cottage

The cottage will offer accommodation for approximately 6-8 guests in 3- 4 separate bedrooms and will provide spectacular views of Loch Sealbhanach.

The Bothy

Our traditional Scottish bothy is situated on the shoreline of the estate, adjacent to a spectacular waterfall, leading down to a small beach area.

Our Team

At Benula Sporting Estate, our emphasis is very much on improving our herd through traditional management and selective stalking. Due to the estate’s reputation for such challenging terrain, any deer successfully stalked at Benula is a fine testament to the ability of the hunter.